Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Hope and Prayer

In 'My Hope and Prayer'(basically the author's note) the Author goes into talking about her reasons for writing Set-Apart Femininity and her overall tone for the book. Its very true what she says when she states "(its)kind of like me standing on top of the table in the coffee shop and passionately proclaiming truth to anyone who will listen."
Though I feel like Leslie is really talking to a specific girl and she makes it clear when she says if you hunger to showcase something incredible through your femininity than this book is for you.
When I read this book I honestly felt it was written for me. I found myself saying "that's exactly how I feel" almost after every major theme. Her words rang true to my ear and the scriptures brought major conviction to my heart. And that's why I really wanted to do this book discussion. Hoping that I would be able to share the ways that God has changed me and also to be in communion with other ladies who desire a different femininity.

In the First Chapter, Sacred Intent, on pg 18. Leslie begins to define the phrase 'Set-Apart Femininity'. This is my hope and prayer, that you would desire a set-apart life. I think with this book a lot may read but few will accept the call. I know quite a few girls who began reading this book but stopped reading because they were "not ready" to hear the truth.

So the question I want you girls to ask yourself is 'Where am I at?'
Take some time to pray and ask God to open your eyes to your true heart. Some of you may be reading just to feel good about your spiritual life but others may be reading because you are truly hungry for truth and change. I believe if you open your eyes to where your walk is then that discovery will determine you participation in reading the book, in blogging, in fellowship and in your quiet times. Ask the Holy Spirit to come and show your walk and where He wants to take you. I'm telling you that the Father has great plans for His daughters, but we first must examine our hearts to see where repentance is needed for who can ascend the hill of the Lord?

Now, remember just like with everything you must understand this book is just a guide but the scriptures are the truth. And I want to challenge all the girls who are participating to KEEP READING. Some one told me that if you get offended by something then its probably a good thing.
There will be some tough topics but they are really good, trust me.

I am so excited for the next 2 months. And I am praying for you all sisters.

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