Saturday, August 14, 2010

Chapter 2

Coming Soon... mmm, soup.

1 comment:

  1. Hi ladies! I'm Jessica and have been reading with you guys, but have not been able to make it to any of the meetings yet. Things have been hectic, but I have been praying for you all and thinking about you!

    Anyway, as I was reading chapter 2 a line jumped out at me and I literally had to put the book down, re-read the sentence, put the book back down and just mull it over.

    Chapter 2 page 52- "We are either ignorant or arrogant if we believe that Christ's death was not enough to cover our sins."

    WOW. I was (and still am!) blown away by that...
    I've never thought about Jesus' death from that prospective.
    I am totally guilty of knowingly running away from my Father, because I am ashamed and embarrassed of my behaviors and choices.
    But no, that is the exact opposite of what God wants.
    I've always known that, but I always just thought "oh yeah well God loves me so of course he doesn't want me to run away. He wants me to draw near to him." I just never went a little deeper and stepped out of my wrapped up, self indulgent little world.
    Who am I to even run away?! I have no where to run - God did it all, he conquered ALL. Who am I to question if my actions are too much for God to forgive? Of course they're not! NOTHING that I've done or will do is bigger than God's grace, mercy, and love.
    God is bringing me to a place of loving myself. Which is all of me - flaws included. It's not an easy journey, but with God leading I know it will be a worthwhile one.
    I am good enough to receive God's love and give it out to others.
    I am good enough to step up and stand up for the truth.
    And so are you.
    God takes nothing and turns it into pure beauty.

    Another quote from the same page," Don't focus on your unworthiness. Rather fix your eyes on the awesome power of His conquering, redeeming, transforming blood, shed on your behalf."

    That's right - on YOUR behalf. MY behalf.

    God is bigger than any mistake that I can make, and it is unruly for me to think that I have to run the other way to escape embarrassment, when all that really is doing is slapping God in the face, telling him that his death wasn't enough to cover my sins.
