Saturday, July 17, 2010


OK Ladies. Like I said we will begin reading in August starting with the first chapter and then continuing a chapter a week.
Right now I have three ladies in Brandon that are going to meet with me starting August 5Th and then every Thursday after that. But what is also exciting is other ladies from different locations that are interested in joining in. I can't wait for us all to be posting and sharing our hearts with one another.
I just want to encourage again for people not to be afraid to post and share their opinions.
If you have some trouble on how to start posting, not sure what to say, try asking yourself questions like; What was my favorite part in this chapter? How can I relate this to my life right now? What is something that popped out to me? What did I like most about this chapter and/or what did I not like about this chapter? and etc.
Feel free to share personal stories and scriptures that God would bring to your mind as you read.
Another thing I highly recommend would be for everyone to buy a HIGHLIGHTER. As your going through the chapters you might read something that either brings a memory, makes you start to examine yourself or something that you strongly agree with or whatever. When it happens highlight it and share it with us. My book has tons of highlighting in it already and I know there will be a lot more.
So hurry and purchase your books and highlighters and start reading :)

Friday, July 9, 2010

Purpose of Blog

This Blog was created for girls who are participating in the discussion of Leslie Ludy's book Set Apart Femininity. The blog is to allow participants to leave godly comments about the things they have read. This is designed to be open so questions and opinions are welcome. Just like with any book, readers are not forced to agree with everything stated by the Author.
The purpose is to create discussion and in some cases conviction, but that may not be the case for everyone.
Each week will be the discussion of a different chapter. If you would like to participate in leaving comments then please participate in reading the book.

I am so excited to begin reading this book again and with other women who desire to be set-apart from this world. So hurry and buy your books ladies, we start at the beginning of August.

Set Apart Femininity written by Leslie Ludy.