Monday, August 16, 2010

2 Sacred Design

Now this chapter I think is very important for the beginning of a set apart life, and really not just for girls but for everyone. Its the main point of the gospel and why people give up their lives to serve our beautiful king.

In the beginning Leslie introduces Jia, a missionary in China. Her story is just amazing. I love it when Leslie says (pg32) "Jia has no Christian books to help her prop up her faith. She has no youth group services to keep her on fire for God. She has no christian summer christian concerts to keep this whole Jesus thing fun." To me, Jia just got it. She picked up the bible, believed it was true and obeyed, though it cost so much her desire to fellowship with Chrsit overcame her fears. "7But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. 8Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 9and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—" Philippians 3:7-9

"Who can find a virtuous woman?.." What do you girls think about the proverbs 31 woman? Do believe its possible for a woman to really have all these amazing qualities? but really do you believe you can be a true Proverbs 31 Set apart woman?
Pg38 "But here is the key- the source of her strength does not lie within herself"

"...the reality is that we do not possess anything beautiful or worthwhile in and of ourselves." (pg44)

One of the first questions I want to ask is why do you girls think its so important that we embrace our unworthiness?
I really want to know how it was for you girls reading this chapter. There are some major stuff in this part and its so important to fully understand and embrace. If any one of you has questions or needs pray tell us.

pg53 Leslie says that most of us never fully experience God's transforming power because the majority of us don't really fully understand the gospel. Girls, we have to get it. We can say that we want to be set apart and even make steps in that direction but if we don't get it, if we don't understand and receive that gospel we'll never be truly set apart. This part requires true repentance, realizing that our righteous is as filthy rags and that its "not about our worthiness. Its about His."
But remember, we want a 'godly sorrow' true pure repentance, not condemnation. Read pages 50 and 51 again, and maybe read it aloud. Meditate on it.

"When we are forgiven much we love Him much.". Oh if that is true then I pray that I will always be lead back to repentance so I can be reminded of how much He is worthy because I desire to love HIM much.

Did you guys read Jessica's post on the 'Coming Soon' post??? Its so encouraging. Thank you Jessica for sharing about this chapter. Also, is anyone listening to Audrey Assad, Oh my goodness this album is so perfect for our study!!

Ladies its really important we get this. I am praying for all you girls. Please continue to share, I'm so excited about your thoughts. But this is where 'Becoming Set Apart' all begins, "Acknowledging that we have nothing. Receiving His transforming work. Being implanted with his divine, enabling grace to live lives we could never live on our own".


  1. I love Audrey Assad..and you're
    right it goes perfect for what we are learning and meditating upon.

  2. Found this verse this morning- something to meditate on or think about with what we were discussing last night
    Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things, and revive me in Your way. —Psalm 119:37
