Friday, August 6, 2010

1 Sacred Intent

Chapter 1 Sacred Intent: unlocking femininity's spectacular purpose.

"It happened when I was 14." The Author begins the chapter by talking about her own personal experiences regarding beauty at a young age and from what her parents told her to what her youth leader told her. On Thursday at Panera, which may I add they have an amazing cinnamon bagel, Amber, Sarah, Jordyn and I all shared stories about views on beauty we had at a young age and how they changed once we accepted Christ. We all agreed that being happy with ourselves in a 'physical' sense is a day to day journey but Jordyn made a great point. She said that right now we associate being beautiful with being feminine but we are about to discover is what true godly femininity really is and what God has always intended it to be. I really love that, I never would have thought that femininity might have nothing to do with being beautiful, the beauty is just a bonus that can only come through Jesus. So good. Jordyn, please feel free to elaborate ;)
On pg 24 'Joining the Ranks' Leslie introduces a few women to give examples of true set apart femininity(gotta love that word). Vibia Perpetua, Elizabeth Fry, Gladys Aylward and Sabina Wurmbrand. Now how incredible are these women?! Vibia Perpetua, wow, and to add the verse Revelation 12:11 "...she loved not her life unto death." just moved my heart about this woman. Revelation 12 talks about, basically, the destiny of the saints. It says that the saints will overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and with the word of their testimony. That is our calling, that we will come to the place of these women and not love our lives even unto death. Revelation is one of my favorite books to read, its so encouraging. Oh how I would love to have bravery increase in my spirit like these women.
Another thing I thought was interesting was pg14 'The Guy Problem'. I hear all the time that every guy looks at porn and that its totally normal and expected, and if he doesn't look at it then there is something wrong. Like he probably wears plaid all the time or something. I've heard that from men and women, and really I've always wondered why it had to be like that and what makes that normal? Really in the world that may be normal but in the kingdom... "3But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints" Ephesians 5:3. So I love how Leslie brings this up and later in the book she talks more about this 'Guy Problem'.
Last but certainty not least pg28 'Answering the Sacred Call'. Now on Thursday the group read this out loud and we asked ourselves are we ready to answer the call and like I put in 'My hope and prayers', where are you at with this question? With me, its like my spirit is screaming 'YES YES YES' to the call but my actions are so far from that. I can't even say it. But it was encouraging to open up and hear that I wasn't alone. So as you girls begin to post and share your hearts and opinions, lets pray for one another that we would all come to the place where as Leslie puts it "His sacred intent for (us) is nothing short of absolute abandonment to Jesus Christ, entire separation from the pollution of the world, and ardent worship of our King with every breath we take", no matter what the cost.

So, I want to hear from you. What did you think of the chapter? What were some of your favorite quotes? What did you think about these women? What about 'the guy thing'? Share some stories of when you were young. I have this clear memory when i was about five years old, a cute little old woman leaning over to my mom and saying "what a cute little boy you have", and then leaning to her husband and asking "is that a girl or a boy?" No joke!!! that really happened, HaHa! Its funny now but it definitely affected how I viewed beauty growing up. So don't be afraid to share and know that I am praying for every one of you.

I have an idea. If you are participating in reading the book. Please send me a sweet picture of your face. I want to try and put all our pictures up on the blog. I think it would be fun. Send them to email


  1. I am feeling that my spirit and actions are far from the same too! And like you, I'm glad I'm not alone. My favorite quote, it really got to me:"We long to be found beautiful-to feel the gentle caress of an adoring man who is dazzled by our lovliness. But most of us have either given up on that dream altogether, or we have given up our innocence in the futile pursuit of it." I guess that really hit me because I've believed that you were only pretty if a guy said you were(sad-I know). Then I was also just going to give up on finding a good Christian guy, and be cynical about all guys. Those two things some up about 90% of my friends, along with the giving up of their innocence. That bothers me the most. And like you said, just from the beginning of this book and going through the spiritual changes I have recently gone through, my definition of beauty has completely changed. This book is already inspiring me so much.

  2. Alicia,
    You got it right, I just meant that I anticipate that God is going to change the counterfeit view of femininity that we have bought into and exchange it for His view of true, beautiful femininity.

  3. First of all I am really excited to be doing this book study. I read it about a year ago and struggled to finnish it.. I was not at a point in my life where I was ready to recieve the truth that Leslie so clearly stated.. As I was reading through the first chapter it felt like I had never even picked up the book before... It started to really open my eyes to what God really has for my life.
    What spoke to me was how the world tells woman today that we 'have' to be the most liberated, independent and confident.. pg 12. After becoming a christian at the age of 12, I struggled with being independent most of my life.. Almost like a way of protecting myself from the harsh world of criticism. I displayed a worldly confidence but still had no idea what it meant to be a feminine woman of god or even if that was attainable.. I accepted myself as I was without really seeing me as Christ sees me. I guess I never really understood Christ's sacred intent until I got older but even then I still had one foot in the world and one in "christian compromise." pg23.
    Chapter one opened my eyes to the true purpose Jesus has for every woman who is willing to be set a part for His will... Most of our hearts have been desireing this for so long we have forgotten what the calling sounds like... I know I did..
    Lastly, This quote really spoke to me "Our lives reflect our inward desperation." pg16.

  4. WOW. 'Our Lives reflect our inward desperation." DAAANNNGGGG!! that's good. Just thinking about my life and actions. It brings total conviction. Lord lead us always to a place of repentance. Thank you ladies for sharing. Send me pictures of your faces :)
