Sunday, August 29, 2010

4 Sacred Decorum

Raising femininity to heavenly heights.

This chapter might be a little tough for some. And I think that's because most of us like the idea of community and accountability but when it comes to someone questioning our lifestyle, we quickly become defensive. Well at least I do.

"Tell me in the light of the Cross, isn't it a scandal that you and I live as we do?" -Alan Redpath

Leslie quotes John 14:21 and reminds us that if we feel far away from God, its most likely because we are not building our existence around him. (pg68) To me the whole chapter is Leslie saying "You want to have a relationship with Christ? Then how are you living your life? What are you watching? How are you acting? Where are you spending your time?" Pretty much all the questions I don't want to answer.

But really, they are very serious questions especially for those who desire a different life.

"The sacred decorum of a Set-apart young woman might be labeled extreme and unnecessary to others, even other Christians"(pg70) I have a question for you ladies. Since you've began reading this book, have you battled any fears of other peoples opinions? Have any of you girls shared with anyone what you've been reading? Remember as we get specific, and I mean lifestyle changes, the enemy is going to do anything to turn us off this great path and a big weapon will be fear that takes us off the path. You know, the narrow one that few find?! Recently, I was in a situation where a group of us("Christians") were ministering to a community that we had been living with. At one of our community nights, we all got together to cook, play games and play music. One night the leaders of our group put on 'non-christian' music. Now, I don't listen to music where every song says the name Jesus, but these songs they were playing were just inappropriate and so far from the message we were trying to bring. I sat there with knots in my stomach almost the whole evening, but because I was afraid of what people would think I didn't say anything. I mean, what do you say when the majority of your friends, most of them leaders, are singing along to their favorite songs(which so happened to talk about sex and going to rehab with guns shooting off in the background), smiling and just having a good time? I didn't want to be the party pooper. *sigh*

So first, What are you watching? WAIT! Before I write anything else, lets all turn to page 79.
"So just to clarify-I do not believe that all movies are evil... And I do not believe that watching a movie is sinful..." Ok, just need to make sure we all understand that. And that goes for music, looking nice, buying new things, using the internet and i don't know, eating McDonald's. Its like the verse that says where your treasure is there your heart will be also. Its idols and time, its where you find your rest and security. Is it in the Lord or in the Kardashain's(they need prayer too by the way)? Please, answer the questions honestly. God can work with an honest heart.

I had a great conversation with one of the girls from the group. She shared with me that she was in a movie a few nights ago and for the first time in a long time felt a knot in her stomach regarding what she was watching. I was able to relate with her saying that the more I was asking God to reveal himself to me the more He was revealing Himself to me, hmm interesting that God would do that! ;)

The questions at the end of this chapter I recommend you girls spend sometime seriously answering them. But don't get very worked up about this part. Yes it can be overwhelming and in some ways make you angry but if your heart is after Christ then it will work out. BECAUSE, He will not fail you. So if you ask 'Lord show me areas in my life that are not pleasing to You', He absolutely will show you. King David cried out to the Lord saying

'Search me oh God and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!' -Psalm 139:23-24

What a perfect prayer. Lord let that be our hearts from now on :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

3 Sacred Priority

The title couldn't be more perfect for the point I believe Leslie is trying to get across. I think its kind of cool too that right after an epic chapter that ends with a challenge she puts chapter 3 to be short and sweet. So lets talk about it!

To sum up the chapter, it basically is saying to be a set apart woman you need to get your priorities straight, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the whole guy thing.

"A set apart young woman does not seek to win male favor through enhancing her sex appeal or drawing all eyes to her body... She doesn't build her life around being noticed by the opposite sex. Rather, she builds her life around Jesus Christ." (Pg60)

Our priority is Jesus. He comes first always, and we shouldn't concerned with what a guy thinks over what Christ thinks. Jesus always has to be our first love. In all reality, most mordern day guys will not be attracted to Set apart women, but Godly set apart men will be.

"Most guys have been taught that its healthy and normal to be obsessed with sex and fixated on the female body."(Pg60)

What are your opinions on this statement? Share some experiences and interactions with the opposite sex that either supports this statement or doesn't.
I know growing up, I had no clue that porn was such a major struggle for guys. It wasn't until I got older where my friends confessed to me that their boyfriends were struggling and majority of them were Christians.

Though this chapter is short later in the book we will go into more detail about the attractions between a set apart girl and a set apart guy. The first lesson we have to learn is the Jesus is our first love and we must forget about every other desire that would cause us to lose focus on his perfect will for our lives.

Monday, August 16, 2010

2 Sacred Design

Now this chapter I think is very important for the beginning of a set apart life, and really not just for girls but for everyone. Its the main point of the gospel and why people give up their lives to serve our beautiful king.

In the beginning Leslie introduces Jia, a missionary in China. Her story is just amazing. I love it when Leslie says (pg32) "Jia has no Christian books to help her prop up her faith. She has no youth group services to keep her on fire for God. She has no christian summer christian concerts to keep this whole Jesus thing fun." To me, Jia just got it. She picked up the bible, believed it was true and obeyed, though it cost so much her desire to fellowship with Chrsit overcame her fears. "7But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ. 8Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ 9and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith—" Philippians 3:7-9

"Who can find a virtuous woman?.." What do you girls think about the proverbs 31 woman? Do believe its possible for a woman to really have all these amazing qualities? but really do you believe you can be a true Proverbs 31 Set apart woman?
Pg38 "But here is the key- the source of her strength does not lie within herself"

"...the reality is that we do not possess anything beautiful or worthwhile in and of ourselves." (pg44)

One of the first questions I want to ask is why do you girls think its so important that we embrace our unworthiness?
I really want to know how it was for you girls reading this chapter. There are some major stuff in this part and its so important to fully understand and embrace. If any one of you has questions or needs pray tell us.

pg53 Leslie says that most of us never fully experience God's transforming power because the majority of us don't really fully understand the gospel. Girls, we have to get it. We can say that we want to be set apart and even make steps in that direction but if we don't get it, if we don't understand and receive that gospel we'll never be truly set apart. This part requires true repentance, realizing that our righteous is as filthy rags and that its "not about our worthiness. Its about His."
But remember, we want a 'godly sorrow' true pure repentance, not condemnation. Read pages 50 and 51 again, and maybe read it aloud. Meditate on it.

"When we are forgiven much we love Him much.". Oh if that is true then I pray that I will always be lead back to repentance so I can be reminded of how much He is worthy because I desire to love HIM much.

Did you guys read Jessica's post on the 'Coming Soon' post??? Its so encouraging. Thank you Jessica for sharing about this chapter. Also, is anyone listening to Audrey Assad, Oh my goodness this album is so perfect for our study!!

Ladies its really important we get this. I am praying for all you girls. Please continue to share, I'm so excited about your thoughts. But this is where 'Becoming Set Apart' all begins, "Acknowledging that we have nothing. Receiving His transforming work. Being implanted with his divine, enabling grace to live lives we could never live on our own".

Friday, August 6, 2010

1 Sacred Intent

Chapter 1 Sacred Intent: unlocking femininity's spectacular purpose.

"It happened when I was 14." The Author begins the chapter by talking about her own personal experiences regarding beauty at a young age and from what her parents told her to what her youth leader told her. On Thursday at Panera, which may I add they have an amazing cinnamon bagel, Amber, Sarah, Jordyn and I all shared stories about views on beauty we had at a young age and how they changed once we accepted Christ. We all agreed that being happy with ourselves in a 'physical' sense is a day to day journey but Jordyn made a great point. She said that right now we associate being beautiful with being feminine but we are about to discover is what true godly femininity really is and what God has always intended it to be. I really love that, I never would have thought that femininity might have nothing to do with being beautiful, the beauty is just a bonus that can only come through Jesus. So good. Jordyn, please feel free to elaborate ;)
On pg 24 'Joining the Ranks' Leslie introduces a few women to give examples of true set apart femininity(gotta love that word). Vibia Perpetua, Elizabeth Fry, Gladys Aylward and Sabina Wurmbrand. Now how incredible are these women?! Vibia Perpetua, wow, and to add the verse Revelation 12:11 "...she loved not her life unto death." just moved my heart about this woman. Revelation 12 talks about, basically, the destiny of the saints. It says that the saints will overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and with the word of their testimony. That is our calling, that we will come to the place of these women and not love our lives even unto death. Revelation is one of my favorite books to read, its so encouraging. Oh how I would love to have bravery increase in my spirit like these women.
Another thing I thought was interesting was pg14 'The Guy Problem'. I hear all the time that every guy looks at porn and that its totally normal and expected, and if he doesn't look at it then there is something wrong. Like he probably wears plaid all the time or something. I've heard that from men and women, and really I've always wondered why it had to be like that and what makes that normal? Really in the world that may be normal but in the kingdom... "3But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints" Ephesians 5:3. So I love how Leslie brings this up and later in the book she talks more about this 'Guy Problem'.
Last but certainty not least pg28 'Answering the Sacred Call'. Now on Thursday the group read this out loud and we asked ourselves are we ready to answer the call and like I put in 'My hope and prayers', where are you at with this question? With me, its like my spirit is screaming 'YES YES YES' to the call but my actions are so far from that. I can't even say it. But it was encouraging to open up and hear that I wasn't alone. So as you girls begin to post and share your hearts and opinions, lets pray for one another that we would all come to the place where as Leslie puts it "His sacred intent for (us) is nothing short of absolute abandonment to Jesus Christ, entire separation from the pollution of the world, and ardent worship of our King with every breath we take", no matter what the cost.

So, I want to hear from you. What did you think of the chapter? What were some of your favorite quotes? What did you think about these women? What about 'the guy thing'? Share some stories of when you were young. I have this clear memory when i was about five years old, a cute little old woman leaning over to my mom and saying "what a cute little boy you have", and then leaning to her husband and asking "is that a girl or a boy?" No joke!!! that really happened, HaHa! Its funny now but it definitely affected how I viewed beauty growing up. So don't be afraid to share and know that I am praying for every one of you.

I have an idea. If you are participating in reading the book. Please send me a sweet picture of your face. I want to try and put all our pictures up on the blog. I think it would be fun. Send them to email

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Hope and Prayer

In 'My Hope and Prayer'(basically the author's note) the Author goes into talking about her reasons for writing Set-Apart Femininity and her overall tone for the book. Its very true what she says when she states "(its)kind of like me standing on top of the table in the coffee shop and passionately proclaiming truth to anyone who will listen."
Though I feel like Leslie is really talking to a specific girl and she makes it clear when she says if you hunger to showcase something incredible through your femininity than this book is for you.
When I read this book I honestly felt it was written for me. I found myself saying "that's exactly how I feel" almost after every major theme. Her words rang true to my ear and the scriptures brought major conviction to my heart. And that's why I really wanted to do this book discussion. Hoping that I would be able to share the ways that God has changed me and also to be in communion with other ladies who desire a different femininity.

In the First Chapter, Sacred Intent, on pg 18. Leslie begins to define the phrase 'Set-Apart Femininity'. This is my hope and prayer, that you would desire a set-apart life. I think with this book a lot may read but few will accept the call. I know quite a few girls who began reading this book but stopped reading because they were "not ready" to hear the truth.

So the question I want you girls to ask yourself is 'Where am I at?'
Take some time to pray and ask God to open your eyes to your true heart. Some of you may be reading just to feel good about your spiritual life but others may be reading because you are truly hungry for truth and change. I believe if you open your eyes to where your walk is then that discovery will determine you participation in reading the book, in blogging, in fellowship and in your quiet times. Ask the Holy Spirit to come and show your walk and where He wants to take you. I'm telling you that the Father has great plans for His daughters, but we first must examine our hearts to see where repentance is needed for who can ascend the hill of the Lord?

Now, remember just like with everything you must understand this book is just a guide but the scriptures are the truth. And I want to challenge all the girls who are participating to KEEP READING. Some one told me that if you get offended by something then its probably a good thing.
There will be some tough topics but they are really good, trust me.

I am so excited for the next 2 months. And I am praying for you all sisters.